“Who is God?” Preschool Bible Lessons on the Attributes of God – LOVE
Inside: Lessons on God’s love for preschoolers in the Attributes of God series.

**Note: I was unexpectedly unable to complete this series when I originally was teaching these lessons. I am trying to recreate the lessons from my notes as I have time, so stay tuned!**
Every week, I have the opportunity to visit the preschool program at our church and give a 20 minute chapel service for the kids. As I thought through what I wanted to focus on in chapel this year, I realized, “How can these little ones love, follow, and obey a God they do not know?” So this year, we are going to be learning all about who God is!
They will be learning big concepts about a big God in a super simple way. It is my hope that the more they learn about our awesome and amazing God the more they want to praise Him and give Him their hearts and lives.
We will be going through many different aspects of God’s character, focusing on each one for multiple weeks at a time. As I plan these lessons, I will keep adding them to this series so that you can follow along with your own kids – whether at home or in a group at church or school!
The basic format of these lessons is:
- Worshipping through song (two to three songs)
- Teaching time (review and lesson)
- Closing routine (Song, finger play rhyme, prayer)
While these lessons are written for a group setting, they can be easily adjusted for home use.
This month’s preschool lessons are on the attribute of Love.
(Go HERE for the introduction to the series and the first month of plans on God as Creator)

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God is… LOVE
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. -1 John 4:7-9
God’s Love Lasts Forever (Week 1)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- Bible (I always have a Bible to hold up and remind them that it’s God’s Word)
- “God is…” board (Find instructions for this board in month one!)
- Heart cut out with tape to stick on the board
- Ball of yarn
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
My God is Big and He Loves Me by Yancy
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
(Review) SAY: Can you remember what we’ve learned about God so far? (Point to the pictures on the board.) God is…
Creator! What did God make? Everything! (Point to the next picture) Trinity! God is one God and three persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Say together)
SAY: Today, we are going to learn something new about who God is! We are going to put a new picture on our board. In the Bible it says (1 John 4:8) that God is love. God doesn’t just love. He IS love. Everything about him is LOVE.
ASK: What picture do you think we will use on our board?
Kids guess a heart. Place the heart on your board.
SAY: The next few weeks we are going to be learning more about God’s love for us! Let’s read a verse from the Bible .. Psalm 136:1
It says that God’s love endures FOREVER.
ASK: How long is forever? This long? This long? From me to you? Lets see if we can find something that goes on forever…
Start unraveling the ball of yarn. Wrap it in and around the kids until a very large string is unraveled.
SAY: Not even this really really really long string reaches as long and far as God’s love! God’s love just keeps going and going! Let’s read that verse again (Psalm 136:1).
ASK: His love endures how long?
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
God Loves Us Like a Father (Week 2)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- Bible (I always have a Bible to hold up and remind them that it’s God’s Word)
- “God is…” board (Find instructions for this board in month one!)
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
My God is Big and He Loves Me by Yancy
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
(Review) SAY: Can you remember what we’ve learned about God so far? (Point to the pictures on the board.) God is…
Creator! What did God make? Everything! (Point to the next picture) Trinity! God is one God and three persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Say together) (Point to the next picture) Love! Yes, last week we learned that God’s love goes how long? Forever!!
SAY: Today, we are going to learn something else about God’s love! He loves us like a Father. Let’s read a verse from the Bible. Read the first half of 1 John 3:1.
SAY: That verse says that God loves us so much we are his children and He is our Father.
ASK: Can anyone tell me something their father or mother does to show that they love you? (Exercise discretion here if you have children who do not live with their parents)
Kids give examples.
SAY: God shows us His father love too! He takes care of us, likes to give us good things, and teaches us the right things to do. And we can talk to Him any time, just like we do to our moms and dads. Talking to God is called prayer and He loves when we talk to him because He loves us so much!
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
God’s Love is Sticky (Week 3)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- Bible (I always have a Bible to hold up and remind them that it’s God’s Word)
- “God is…” board (Find instructions for this board in month one!)
- Tape (something not too sticky like masking tape or washi tape)
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
My God is Big and He Loves Me by Yancy
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
(Review) SAY: Can you remember what we’ve learned about God so far? (Point to the pictures on the board.) God is…
Creator! What did God make? Everything! (Point to the next picture) Trinity! God is one God and three persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Say together) (Point to the next picture) Love! Yes, God is love!
SAY: Today, we are going to learn something else about God’s love. We will read a verse from the Bible to find it out.
ASK: Who’s words are in the Bible?
SAY: Let’s read Romans 8:39. It says: “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Did you hear that? NOTHING can separate us from God’s love! Nothing can take God’s love from us!
ASK: What can separate us from God’s love?
SAY: You know what it reminds me of? Hold up a roll of tape. It reminds me of some super duper crazy sticky tape! Start unrolling the tape and tear off a piece. It’s like the stickiest tape ever. Once God’s love is stuck to you, there is NOTHING that can unstick it! This tape here isn’t as sticky as God’s love, but it can help us remember that God’s love is sticky.
ASK: Who wants a piece of tape?
Go around and pass out a piece of tape for everyone to stick on their shirts.
SAY: God’s love is STICKY! When you say that, clap/grasp your hands together. Then repeat and have them do the same. Now we can remember another thing about God’s love. We know that his love goes on FOREVER, that He loves us like a FATHER, and His love will never get UNSTUCK from us!
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
We Love Because Of God’s Love (Week 4)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- Bible (I always have a Bible to hold up and remind them that it’s God’s Word)
- “God is…” board (Find instructions for this board in month one!)
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
My God is Big and He Loves Me by Yancy
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
(Review) SAY: Can you remember what we’ve learned about God so far? (Point to the pictures on the board.) God is…
Creator! What did God make? Everything! (Point to the next picture) Trinity! God is one God and three persons – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Say together) (Point to the next picture) Love! Yes, God is love! Last week we learned that God’s love is what? Sticky! (Clap hands together)
SAY: We have learned that God loves us SO MUCH. His love goes on forever! He loves us like a father! Nothing can unstick his love from us! Now, lets read a verse from the Bible about what God’s big love makes US want to do. Read 1 John 4:19. “We love because He first loved us.”
ASK: Who does the verse say loved first? God! And what do we do because He loved us. Love!
SAY: That’s right! God loves us so much. And He doesn’t just love you, and you, and you, and you… He loves EVERYONE. Every person in the world. And because God loves, we should love too.
ASK: Who do you think we should love?
SAY: Yes, we should love everyone, just like God loves everyone. Even people who are different than us. Even people who annoy us. the Bible even say that God wants us to love our enemies!
ASK: How about we think of some ways that we can show people that we love them?
Come up with ideas for showing love.
SAY: This, week, try to pick one of your ideas and show someone that you love them, and God loves them too!
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
Well, that’s all for the lesson on love! Stay tuned for next month’s (Faithfulness!).
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