Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter – Play Through The Bible – Week 19
Week 19 of Play Through The Bible is the story of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter to life. It’s a great story of one of Jesus’ miracles that led to a lot of interesting conversations between my son and I. Not only is this a story of one of Jesus’ powerful miracles, but it is also a great opportunity to talk about fear and trusting God.
If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here. For all the plans in one place, go here.
Week Nineteen – Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter
Focus Point
Don’t be afraid. Just believe. (Jesus brought a girl back to life)
Story Time Tips
- We read “The Happy Dad” starting on page 180 of The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Toddlers
and “A Sick Girl” starting on page 236 of The Rhyme Bible Storybook
- We also read the account of this story in Luke 8:40-42, 49-56. Some of it went over K’s head, but it was a good passage to introduce a little bit of reading from the actual scriptures.
- This story gave us a lot of opportunity to talk about being afraid and how Jesus said to “Don’t be afraid. Just believe.” We talked about how the dad was sad and scared, but he could trust in Jesus.
- We also talked about how Jesus is so powerful, that he is even more powerful than death!
Act out the story. Take turns being Jesus and the little girl. If you have more people you can also include the girl’s parents.
Parent: “Why was the dad sad and scared?”
Child: “His little girl was sick.”
Parent: “What happened to her?”
Child: “She died.”
Parent: “What did Jesus do?”
Child: “He brought her back to life!”
Daily Craft
Day One – Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter Small World
Materials Needed:
- Peg dolls (we made ours here)
- Extra figurines for the the daughter, mom, and dad (we used our extra peg dolls)
- Small box
- Small piece of cloth
All I did for this small world was cut the top and side off of a small box to make a house and added Jesus, three disciples, mom and dad, and the little girl on a cloth bed.
You can add the rest of the disciples waiting outside too if you’d like!
Day Two – Coloring Page
Day Three – Jairus’ Daughter Finger Puppet
Materials needed:
- Finger puppet printout (from Growing Kids in Grace)
- Crayons
- Scissors
The idea for this cute and simple craft came from Growing Kids in Grace (now tNCC).
Cut out your finger puppet.
That’s it!
Day Four – Don’t Be Afraid
Materials needed:
- Printout of scary things (see explanation below)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Marker
- Red construction paper
First, you are going to need a printout of some things that your child thinks are scary. I asked K what he thought was scary and I had to give him some ideas since he is generally a not easily frightened little kid!
We came up with shots, snakes, monsters, the dark, and the White Witch (we had just watched The Chronicles of Narnia). I just did a google image search and dragged the pictures into a word document and then printed it out.
Cut out a heart from the red paper and write on it “Do not be afraid. Just believe.”
Put some glue on your heart…
…and put it overtop of the scary pictures.
We talked about how we don’t have to be afraid of things because Jesus is powerful and his love is greater than all the scary things in the world. Over and over again we said “Don’t be afraid. Just believe.”
Day Five – Painting the Story
Materials needed:
- Coloring page printout
- Paints
- Paintbrush
I was having a hard time coming up with another craft for this week, so we opted for a perennial favorite – painting! Just print out the coloring sheet and paint away!
Extra Resources
We didn’t find anything extra this week. Do you know of any?
I hope you enjoyed week nineteen of Play Through The Bible. I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below or use the hashtag #playthroughthebible on Twitter or Instagram!
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ideas were terrific! You are a terrific mother that matches Proverbs 31 thanks for sharing