“Who is God?” Preschool Bible Lessons on the Attributes of God – CREATOR
Inside: Preschool Bible lesson plans on the attributes of God – creator.
Welcome to the “Who is God?” series!
Every week, I have the opportunity to visit the preschool program at our church and give a 20 minute chapel service for the kids. As I thought through what I wanted to focus on in chapel this year, I realized, “How can these little ones love, follow, and obey a God they do not know?” So this year, we are going to be learning all about who God is!
They will be learning big concepts about a big God in a super simple way. It is my hope that the more they learn about our awesome and amazing God the more they want to praise Him and give Him their hearts and lives.
We will be going through many different aspects of God’s character, focusing on each one for multiple weeks at a time. As I plan these lessons, I will keep adding them to this series so that you can follow along with your own kids – whether at home or in a group at church or school!
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Attributes of God Preschool Lessons Introduction
Prep your visual
Before we dig into the first set of lesson plans you’ll need to get your visual board set up! Now, this isn’t strictly necessary of course, but it is really helpful (especially for the preschool age group) to have some kind of visual prompt to help them remember all the awesome things you’ll be learning together.
For our’s, I simply wrote “God is…” at the top of a piece of foam poster board. Then for, each characteristic we learn, I tape an image on the board that represents it. We always have this board visible during our lessons.
Another idea is to make a simple book for each child and have them paste an image for each attribute on a page of the book.
Introduction to the Lessons (Week 1)
It may be helpful to give a short intro into what you’ll be doing. We used this as our first week’s lesson. Here’s how we did it!
Choose a couple songs to sing (we sang our songs for this month, which are linked below in week two).
ASK: Choose a child. What’s your name? (If you are doing this with your own child at home, try talking about a friend they have)
A child gives name.
ASK: Can we be friends?
Child says “yes.”
ASK: Since we are friends, I want to know more about you. What is your favorite color? (Ask a few similar questions and have the child or a few different children answer)
*If you are in a large group, there might be many children itching to share their favorite color/animal/food/etc with you. Let them all share by having everyone shout (or whisper!) their answer together on the count of 3*
SAY: When you have a friend, you want to know more about them! The more time we spend with our friends, the more we learn about them. It is fun to learn more about our friends! Did you know that there is someone who wants to be your best friend in the whole world? It’s God! He loves you so much and wants to be your friend! And when we are God’s friend, we want to learn more about Him! So that’s what we are going to be doing together.
At this point you can also share your specific situation (Sunday school class, Bible time with mom on Tuesdays, etc) if desired.
I have also found it helpful to occasionally refer back to how God is our friend and we love to learn more about our friends, especially Him!
SAY: When we learn more about God, it makes us want to praise Him more. Lets have a little story time. We are going to read a book about different ways we can praise God.
We read the book Psalms of Praise by Danielle Hitchens. It is a fun book that gets kids moving as they explore different ways to praise God.
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!”
Shout that back and forth a few times. This is something we do at the end of every lesson!
The last thing we do is the finger play “Open Shut Them”, followed by prayer.
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
God Is… Creator
Now it’s time to dive into our first attribute – Creator! We worked on this attribute for three weeks.
God Created Everything! (Week 2)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- Bible
- “God is…” board
- Earth picture printed and cut out
- Bible storybook with creation story
- An object for each day of creation (flashlight, cotton ball cloud, water in a container, small tree branch, star, fish toy, animal/people toy, etc)
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands (We sang without music to go along and I let the kids choose various things to insert into the song to be “in His hands”)
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
SAY: Today we are going to learn something about who God is! (Get out your prepared board – see above). We are going to use this board to keep track of everything we learn about God.
ASK: (Hold up your picture of the Earth) What is this?
The world.
SAY: We are going to put this picture of the world on the board because God made the world! He is the CREATOR. And he didn’t just create the world – He made everything!
ASK: Does anyone know whose words are in the Bible?
SAY: I’m going to read you a verse from the Bible. It is the very first words in the Bible! (Read Genesis 1:1). The very first thing the Bible says is that God is the CREATOR.
ASK: Can anyone think of anything that God made?
Let them shout out different things God made.
SAY: Those are all really awesome things that God the CREATOR made! Let’s read a story from the Bible that tells us about all the things God has made.
Read the Creation story out of your favorite Bible storybook (find our favorite here or some other recommended Bible storybooks here).
SAY: Now I am going to need some volunteers to help me!
Choose a volunteer one at a time or all at once. Give each child an object to hold up that represents one day of creation. Once each child has their object, go down the line and have the kids shout out what was created on each day. Then have everyone return to their seats (if you are doing this at home, just have the objects for your child to play with or place in order).
ASK: What is your favorite thing that God made?
Let them shout out some answers.
SAY: Isn’t God amazing?! He created so many awesome things! He is such a wonderful CREATOR.
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
God Created You! (Week 3)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- Bible
- Handheld Mirror
- “God is…” board
- Famous paintings printed and cut out
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands (We sang without music to go along and I let the kids choose various things to insert into the song to be “in His hands”)
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
SAY: Today we are going to learn more about about who God is!
ASK: (Hold up your “God is…” board) What did we learn last week about who God is?
He is the CREATOR!
SAY: Today we are going to talk about my absolute favorite thing that God created. Do you want to know what it is? It’s YOU! God created each and every one of you. He made you so special just exactly how He wanted you to be. In the Bible it says that we are God’s masterpiece! Does anyone know what a masterpiece is? A masterpiece is something that you worked really hard at creating. It is your best work and you are so proud of it.
ASK: Does anyone want to be my helper? Select a few volunteers to come up front.
Hand each volunteer one of the masterpiece paintings to hold up. Talk about how the artist worked so hard and made a beautiful painting. Talk about how they must have been so proud of the masterpiece they created. They must have loved their masterpiece! (Dismiss everyone back to their seats)
ASK: Do you like painting or drawing? Have you ever made a masterpiece?
SAY: Isn’t it awesome that the God the CREATOR’s best masterpiece is you?! So, if you ever want to see a special, loved, masterpiece of God, all you have to do is look in the mirror.
Carry around the hand mirror so every child can look at their reflection while you tell them: “You are God’s masterpiece!”
SAY: Isn’t God amazing?! He created each of you so perfectly! He is such a wonderful CREATOR.
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
God Created Everyone! (Week 4)
Materials Needed:
- Worship music
- “God is…” board
Worship Through Song
(My goal is to select songs that point us to how amazing our God is. If a song doesn’t already have motions, we always make up some to go along.)
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands (We sang without music to go along and I let the kids choose various things to insert into the song to be “in His hands”)
Teaching Time
(This time lasts no longer than ten minutes and I try to keep the kids engaged through using motions, asking questions, and recruiting volunteers to help)
SAY: Today we are going to learn more about about who God is!
ASK: (Hold up your “God is…” board) What have we been learning about who God is?
He is the CREATOR!
SAY: Remember how last week we talked about how God made YOU? Well, you know what? He didn’t just made YOU, but He made everyone else too! He made all your friends and everyone else in the whole world. He made each person special and loves them so much!
ASK: Does anyone want to be my helper? Select a volunteer.
SAY: Here we have *child’s name* – isn’t he/she awesome. (Point out some things about your helper). *Child’s name* is pretty cool, but let’s imagine something. What if God made every single person just like *child’s name*?
At this point you might have laughter. Discuss how that would be crazy/silly/boring to have millions and millions of *child’s name*.
ASK: Does anyone else want to be my helper?
Have a few more children come up. Compare heights, hair/eye/skin color, favorite food/color/animal, etc. Talk about how they are all created different and they are all special and God’s masterpieces. If you are doing this at home, you can compare family members and friends, or pictures from a book.
At this point, depending on the size group you have, you might have lots of kids wanting to share their favorite color, etc. Give them a chance to share by having everyone answer the question(s) together on the count of three.
SAY: So don’t forget that when you look at other people, you are looking at one of God’s special masterpieces. We can celebrate all the awesome and different ways God made our friends.
SING: (To the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If God made us and you know it clap your hands *clap clap*
If God made us and you know it clap your hands *clap clap*
If God made us and you know it clap your hands then your face will surely show it
If God made us and you know it clap your hands *clap clap*
*Repeat with “stomp your feet,” “shout amen,” and “do all three”*
SAY: Isn’t God amazing?! He created each of you so perfectly! I’m so glad that he made all of you! He is such a wonderful CREATOR.
Closing Routine
ASK: Does anyone remember what learning about God makes us want to do? (See if anyone can remember) That’s right! It makes us want to praise him! When I say “When we learn about God, what do we want to do?” you shout “PRAISE HIM!” (Shout that back and forth a few times.)
SING: Hallelu, Hallelujah
We sing without accompaniment, but here is the classic version and here is a super fun updated version. We like to sit down and whisper the “Hallelu” and stand up and shout the “Praise ye the Lord”
Finish with the finger play “Open Shut Them”:
Open shut them, open shut them
Give a big clap!
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap
Then end with a simple prayer!
Well, that’s all for the first month of preschool lessons on the attributes of God! Stay tuned for next months (Trinity!).
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